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Metallography Laboratory

Level begin

Research Facilities:

Special metallographic preparation

Conventional metallography with etching of each sample (3 photos)

Preparation of ordinary metallography (polishing and sanding)

Special metallography (Aluminum and welded)

Perform replica testing

Special etching

Normal etch


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* University students are required to register the application and complete the form in the process management system of Isfahan University of Technology at the following address:

- After confirming the request by referring to the head of the laboratory, the necessary arrangements will be made to perform the test.

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Tel: 03133912750 and 52


Address: Materials Engineering Department, Isfahan University of Technology,  Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran.


Abbas Bahrami
Advanced Materials
Deputy of Educational Affairs, Faculty, Associate Professor
  • 03133915765
  • 03133912752
Nasrollah Arabian

Lab Instructor, Former Faculty
  • ۰۳۱۳۳۹۱۵۷۵۲
  • ۰۳۱۳۳۹۱۲۷۵۲

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