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Safety Committee

Department Safety Committee Policy


HSE committee was established in 2011 in department of materials engineering at IUT, working with collaboration of the University superior HSE board.



To provide the department Community with a safe and healthful work environment. It is also the intent of the Department Safety Committee to assure compliance with all University Safety Policies.



  • Assure safety inspections of operations and facilities including teaching and research laboratories, and offices. Inspections shall be conducted on regular basis.
  • Equip the labs with relevant safety instructions, signs, and safety rules.
  • Maintain communications with the department staff and lab instructors.
  • Address the safety concerns of fellow department members as well as those raised by the Department Chair and the university HSE board.
  • Training safety practices related to the department kind of activities and issuing ID cards for lab entrance permissions.
  • Recommend and/or develop safe practices and procedures for any new install facilities.
  • Review incidents involving work-related fatalities, injuries, illnesses or near misses related to the university HSE board.
Ahmad Rezaeian
Materials Processing and Fabrication
Deputy of Research Affairs, Faculty, کمیته ایمنی, Associate Professor
Industrial Relation Advisor
  • 03133915768
  • 03133912752

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