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Parinaz Salehi

Dr. Parinaz Salehi, Assistant Professor of Dental Materials at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, got her Ph.D. in Materials Engineering under supervision of Profs. Keyvan Raeissi and Fathallah Karimzadeh in March 2019. During her PhD study in the Department of Materials Engineering at IUT, she managed to spend 10 months as a visiting student at the Department of Engineering of University of Messina in Sicily, Italy, from Sept. 2015 to July 2016. During this period, she investigated “Erosion-Corrosion Behavior of Superhydrophobic Nickel-based Electrodeposits” under supervision of Profs. Edoardo Proverbio and Luigie Calabrese backed by full support of Prof. Keyvan Raeissi. She expresses that besides these academic activities, her time was packed with learning, research opportunities and exceptional experiences of friendship with international students at the dormitory. The results of her scientific collaborations were published in several ISI papers [1].


parinaz salehi

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