The Department of Materials is currently recognized as one of the leading departments in Iran with over 50 full-time faculty members including academic staff, technician and administrative staff. The Department of Materials Engineering offers undergraduate and graduate programs with over 580 students currently studying at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD academic levels.
The goal of the department is to offer a comprehensive understanding of all aspects associated to the applications and processing in Materials Engineering today. Current academic staffs work on multidisciplinary projects ranging from the production and processing of materials for several industries such as ferrous and nonferrous, automotive, energy and also nano- and bio-based materials for medical applications.
Research Cores:
- Advanced Materials: Advanced materials are found in all classes of materials: ceramics, metals, polymers and organic molecules. The research activities within this group include; Functional Materials with native characteristics; Ceramics and Glasses; Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. A large portion of our work focuses on the physiochemical, mechanical and biological aspects of functional and advanced materials.The main emphasis is on the design, fabrication and characterization of materials and devices, at advanced level, for potential industrial applications.
- Surface Engineering and Corrosion: The Surface Engineering and Corrosion Group (SECG) is hosted by Department of Materials Engineering, at Isfahan University of Technology. The group research lines are Surface Engineering and Functionalization, Coatings, Nanomaterials, Corrosion, and Applied Electrochemistry in collaboration with different industries from aeronautics, automotive, biomedical, oil & gas and energy sectors.
- Materials Processing and Fabrication: The main focus of the group lies on the development of new alloys, extracting metals from their ores to make refined alloys, and physical metallurgy, production methods, heat treatment, joining, and testing metals.
Interdisciplinary Approaches:
- The Department presents an interdisciplinary approach to curriculum integration planning in both teaching and research that generates an understanding of different subjects and ideas that cut across disciplines and of the connections between different disciplines and their relationship to the real world. It normally emphasizes on combining contents, theories, methodologies and perspectives from two or more disciplines
National and International Collaborations:
- The main application sectors categorized by our research are; construction, automotive and aerospace, energy and utilities, and healthcare. The strong support and involvement of industrial organizations enable a high quality research within the Department. These organizations include; Oil and Gas, Automotive, Petro-chemical, Steel and Aluminium, and biomaterials. In addition, the Department has close International Collaborations with Universities from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and East Asia. These close collaborations with both industry and international institutes, alongside our facilities, ensure that the Department is at the head of Materials Engineering research.
Contact Us: Department of Materials Engineering International affairs Office IRAN / Isfahan Postal Code : 8415683111 ----------------------- Email: --------------------------------- Phone : +98 -31 - 33915731 Fax : +98 - 31 - 33912752